No. 1 (March 2019)

Posted on 02-01-2019

Full Number


Suicide. The condemnation of the pawns of drug trafficking

María Pasto Bardisa

(pp. 1-26)

Obtaining intelligence in situations of threat to national security. HUMINT

Noemí García Alcalde

(pp. 27-56)

Female criminality. An approximation to the profile of the serial killer

Isabel Garrido López

(pp. 57-99)

Neuropsychological involvement in battered women

Paola Cosgaya Pérez

(pp. 100-128)

The prosecution of new crimes after the reform of the Criminal Procedure Law

Pablo Samuel Romano Hisado

(pp. 129-158)

Study on the types of interviews in witness testimony

María Isabel Puertas Martín

(pp. 159-182)


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