The editorial process begins with the submission of the manuscript by the authors. In less than 15 business days, the editorial board will confirm receipt of the text. This notification implies the beginning of the editorial process. Next, the main stages of it are exposed.
The interruption of the process due to non-compliance or non-compliance with the established norms or other reasons for exclusion outlined, is followed by the communication to the authors to indicate the reason why the manuscript is not accepted in Cripsiley.
The editorial board will classify the manuscript in one of the three publication lines:
- First line. Articles derived from research that, according to their nature, may be:
- Reflection articles: meta-research documents that present theoretical elaborations, critical interpretations, conceptualizations related to epistemological aspects or methodological constructions, derived from investigations completed by the authors.
- Scientific and technological research articles: documents that present, in detail, the original results of completed research projects. In general, the structure must contain six basic sections: introduction, conceptual references, methodology, results, discussion of results and conclusions.
- Review articles: documents that present state of the art or exhaustive reviews that account for the advances and trends in a field of knowledge, a subject or a particular problem. They are characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review and having an important and pertinent number of references to research and theoretical works (minimum 50 references cited).
- Second line. Essays.
- First line. Articles derived from research that, according to their nature, may be:
This part includes high-level academic essays in which reflections not derived from investigative processes are presented. These are read and evaluated by the editorial committee and must comply with the guidelines set out in points 3 and 5 of the guidelines for authors.
- Third line: Contexts: contributions and special information.
Writings such as interviews, conferences, lectures, translations, book reviews, inaugural lectures, among others. These manuscripts are read and evaluated by the editorial committee and must comply with the guidelines outlined in the guidelines for authors.
To begin the process of evaluating a manuscript in Cripsiley, it is necessary that it be prepared and submitted and that the authors accept and certify through the personal data form that:
The text that Cripsiley presents as an author, with the purpose of submitting it to an evaluation process for its eventual publication, has not been published or accepted in another publication. Likewise, I declare that it is not proposed for evaluation in another journal and I agree not to submit it to another publication during the evaluation process in Cripsiley.
It is responsible for the content of the manuscript and certifies that this, in its entirety, is its own intellectual production, and that the data and texts taken from published documents of other authors are duly referenced in citations highlighted as such and indicated in the references at the end of the document.
In addition to the above, the proposal of a manuscript for publication implies the acceptance of the transfer of copyright to Cripsiley.
The Editorial Board verifies that the proposed text meets the style standards established by Cripsiley. At this stage the correctness of citations and references is examined.
The Editorial Board examines the manuscript and determines if it meets the basic parameters of academic writing and if it is consistent with the subject field of the journal. The thematic areas defined by the magazine are:
- Behavioral crime analysis
- Sexual assaults
- Serial murders
- Cybercrime
- Cybersecurity
- Forensic science
- Organized crime
- Hate crimes
- Criminal law
- Forms of abuse
- Criminal genesis
- Homicides
- Criminal intelligence
- Intervention with criminal population
- Investigation criminal
- Criminological profiles
- Criminal policy
- Crime prevention
- Psychosocial processes
- Security
- Suicide
- Terrorism
- Victimology
- Gender violence
During this stage, anti-plagiarism programs are used to detect copies of other works in the manuscript to be evaluated.
Once the previous stages have been completed, the blind peer evaluation process begins (see peer evaluation process).
Once the editor receives the new concepts from the peer reviewers, if they agree that the manuscript can be published as is, the article, the concepts and the manuscript’s history are sent to the Editorial Board, in order to analyze the rigor of the process. . In this way, it is approved or rejected for publication.
When the final version of the article has been approved by the Editorial Board, its preparation for publication begins. Throughout this process, the article is thoroughly reviewed to verify that it is an unpublished contribution and, furthermore, to adjust it to the editorial guidelines of the journal. As a consequence, it is possible that various adjustments may be requested from the authors, who are notified by mail and have a maximum period of 15 working days to make the corresponding modifications. Adjustments can be requested at various times and their completion is a necessary condition for the process to resume.
Once the final version has been produced, the author will receive the reprint in “.pdf” format, in order to check its correctness and compliance.
The editorial process ends with the publication of the manuscript as part of a Cripsiley issue on the journal’s website.