Editorial team


Prof. PhD. Fco Javier de Santiago Herrero

University of Salamanca (SPAIN)

Prof. PhD. Luis Miguel Sánchez Gil

University of Salamanca (SPAIN)



Criminal Behavior Analysis Unit of the University of Salamanca



Prof. José María Fernández Martínez

Coordinator of the Legal Psychology Section of the Official College of Psychologists of Madrid (SPAIN)

Prof. PhD. Vicente Ortiz Oria

President of the Psychoanalytic Institute of Salamanca (SPAIN)

Prof. Tomás García García

National Police School (SPAIN)

Prof. Carlos Fernández Fernández

Head of the Crimes Against Persons Team of the Organic Judicial Police Unit of the Guardia Civil of León (SPAIN)

Prof. Daniel Clara Sánchez

Inspector of the Cuerpo Nacional de Policía (SPAIN)

Prof. Miguel Ángel Lechuga Colera

Inspector of the Cuerpo Nacional de Policía (SPAIN)

Prof. Oscar de Jorge Brito

Local Police of La Gomera, specialist in Citizen Security (SPAIN)

Prof. PhD. Sonia Patricia Muguica Mier

Mexican Psychoanalytic Center (MEXICO)

Prof. Laura Marcela Camargo Child

Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (COLOMBIA)



Prof. PhD. Cristina Jenaro Río

Professor of the Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment of the University of Salamanca (SPAIN)

Prof. PhD. Santiago Redondo Illescas

Professor of the Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment of the University of Barcelona (SPAIN)

Prof. PhD. Vicente Garrido Genovés

Professor of the Area of ​​Theory of Education at the University of Valencia (SPAIN)

Prof. PhD. Noelia Flores Robaina

Professor of the Department of Personality, Evaluation and Treatment of the University of Salamanca (SPAIN)

Prof. PhD. Marta del Pozo Pérez

Professor of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Procedural Law of the University of Salamanca (SPAIN)

Prof. PhD. José Manuel Chillón Lorenzo

Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the University of Valladolid (SPAIN)

Prof. PhD. María Montfragüe García Mateos

Professor of the Department of Personality, Evaluation and Treatment of the University of Salamanca (SPAIN)

Prof. PhD. Miguel David Guevara Espinar

Associate professor of the Department of Personality, Evaluation and Treatment of the University of Salamanca (SPAIN)

Prof. Milagros del Campo Cámara

Professor at the Isabel I University of Burgos (SPAIN)

Prof. PhD. Nubia Rovelo Escoto

Professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the Autonomous University of Querétaro (MEXICO)

Prof. PhD. Ana Rita Russo

Lecturer in charge of the Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology at the Universidad del Norte de Barranquilla (COLOMBIA)

Prof. PhD. Edith Aristizábal Diaz-Granados

Professor and coordinating researcher of the Specialization in Forensic Psychology at the Universidad del Norte de Barranquilla (COLOMBIA)

Prof. PhD. Edgar Alfonso Acuña Bermúdez

Professor and researcher of the Psychology Program of the San Buenaventura University of Cartagena (COLOMBIA)

Prof. PhD. Víctor Manuel Pardo Maza

Professor and researcher of the Psychology Program of the San Buenaventura University of Cartagena (COLOMBIA)

Prof. PhD. Elias Geney Castro

Professor of the Psychology Area of ​​the Technological University of Bolivar (COLOMBIA)

Prof. Daniel Borja Chavarría

Professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the Autonomous University of Querétaro (MEXICO)

Prof. Dr. Jorge Rogelio Pérez Espinosa

Professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the Autonomous University of Querétaro (MEXICO)



Jesus Rivas Carballo

Computer Services of the University of Salamanca (SPAIN)